The Chameleon SWIR captures images in the short-wave infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum to provide valuable information in the non-visible spectrum. This imaging technology is a crucial tool in various scientific, industrial, and military contexts, contributing to advancements in Earth and space exploration.
Spatial resolution (GSD) at 500 km
RAW 8.7 m
Swath at 500 km
11.2 km
Mass (Including electronics)
1.6 kg
Spectral bands
4 x SWIR Bands (1000–1750 mm)
Satellite Bus Size
Compatible with 6U
Physical Size
2.5 U (100 x 100 x 215 mm with rear-mounted nCCM)
Data Format
8-bit or 10-bit
Mass Storage
128 Gigabytes
RAW or J2K lossless or lossy
Data interface
LVDS, SpaceWire
TMTC interface
SPI, I²C, CAN, RS422, RS485
Power Usage
Imaging mode < 7 W (est),
Readout mode < 5 W
Power Supply
Operating Temperature
+10°C to +30°C
Survival temperature
-20°C to +55°C